Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ya Know I Am Loving This

I just can't believe this has been going full blast all day. It started about 6:30 am this morning and now at about 8:30 pm its not showing any signs of stopping. I'm guessing we've got about 10 to 12 inches so far. I can hardly wait to see how beautiful it is in the morning! Hope you like the pic's :-) Sorry They are out of order.

Too Fun!

Mom took this video on the way home from the doctors this morning. Who knew it was just the beginning?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

After the 42 stitches and 10 staples came out

Many thanks to Mom, Ron and Laura!!!

I could not have gotten through this without ALL OF YOU! But you three really helped me more than you will ever know!

Here are a few more pics. I hope they are gross enough for you Becky :-P

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ron was really GREAT!!!

These bandages had been on for two days. They were so tight I could not feel my ears.

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. The surgery lasted almost 5 hours instead of the foretasted 2. I am recovering a lot faster than I thought I would but its going to take quite a while. Here are some of the pics requested...EWWW!